Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm a hazard to myself....

and, no, I am not singing that Pink song. Seriously people, just today I managed to 1. scratch the crap out of my leg with a stick (all I was doing was walking, mind you), 2. totally blacken my ankle with a bruise by climbing on playground equipment (don't ask) and 3. cut my finger with a pizza cutter (purely accidental, I assure mental health people, I am not a "cutter", thanks though).

I'm pretty sure I should not be allowed out of the house. I told Jesse today that maybe I should start wearing a helmet. Anyone know where I can find a good one? Thanks in advance. Seriously, I took the girls to the park today (it's across the street from the apartment). Our mission? To free Henry and Gary. Who are they, you may ask? Well, they are the turtles who have been living with us for a couple of months now. We decided the boys would be much happier in their natural environment (Salem was too far away, so the park had to do). And, really, I think we were tired of cleaning up after them-those things go to the bathroom-A LOT. Anyway, so the girls and I found the perfect spot by the lake, surrounded by trees. Henry was all over getting the hell outta dodge. Gary was a little slow-then again, it's always been my theory that Gary is a little slow...we did get sidetracked by some stoners with a guitar (don't ask), but managed to let the boys free. The girls and I then kicked the soccer ball around (who knew KD had such mad soccer skillz, huh?). We then ventured on to the playground where the hideous bruising incident occurred. We tried to score the swings but some other kids were there, so finally, we returned home. The ironic thing about the pizza cutter? I went running through the apartment with it in my hand to answer my work phone (I'm on call all weekend). The girls informed me I was a bad influence because you really shouldn't run with a pizza cutter in your hand-thanks girls, point taken. No, I didn't cut myself while running. No, this girl cut herself while cutting the pizza. Now, that takes talent. I rock.

Want to know a way to horrify two 10 and 11 year old kids? Tell them you think their dad is hot. That will traumatize them for life. Seriously. It was fun.

So I'm sitting here typing at nearly 1:00am-probably shouldn't have taken that two hour nap from 5-7, huh? Work has called like five times, I'm cool with it though because after tomorrow night, I never have to be on call again-yay! Maybe I should try to get some sleep, I do have to work tomorrow (today, whatever). Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm off to start my very last week at my job. I'm a little sad about it. It's kinda surreal. Six years is a long time to be at one place. I'm gonna miss it. Ok, maybe not the stress of the job so much, but the people. There really are some good people there. Enough sappiness for now, I'm off to bed. Nighty night folks!

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