Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Cardinals are coming! The Cardinals are coming!

The Cardinals have invaded Wrigley Field. How do we feel about this?

Here's what I think. The Cubs chance of winning any of the next three games is slim. Today's game with Big Z on the mound may be their best hope. However, he's up against Chris Carpenter who has not yet won a game this season....I'd say he's due. And, given the Cubs inability to score runs, well, you get the picture....

I can't wait to hear the crowds reaction to Ryan "I'm finally on the right side of the rivalry" Theriot. What a Grade A Douchebag. I have a hunch he will get booed...a lot. My only hope is that he sucks so we can feel justified in our hatred. I highly suspect there may be a "accidental" fastball to the thigh or shoulder area of Mr. Theriot. You know, kinda as a "welcome back" present.

The Cardinals are good because Lance "I'm not as fat as I used to be" Berkman has made some sort of resurgence. WTH man? And Albert Pujols is only batting like .220? WTH is going on? And why, after nearly a month, is Tony LaRussa's eye STILL SWOLLEN SHUT?

I'm hoping for a good series but expecting the worst. I'm a realist.

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