Friday, August 07, 2009

...and for today's installment of This Could Only Happen to KD

Oh Lord, I'm a hazard to myself. I mean, really, it's shocking that I haven't been court committed to live in a group home.

So, guess what I did today? This is a good one.....

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not real awake at 6:00am. Unfortunately for me, this is what time I have to get up during the week in order to make it to work on time. Well, this morning I guess I was particularly sleepy. I got ready no problem and, like I do every day, went to spritz on some perfume as my finishing touch for the morning, only (and I have NO idea how this actually happened), as I was holding the bottle of said perfume, it somehow flew out of my hands and went UP and the corner of it hit me right smack dab in the left eye. The good news is, I caught the bottle. The bad news is, it hurt. More good news-it did not leave a mark (thank God. Could you imagine having to explain how I got that black eye???) but is a bit sore. Wow.......

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