Monday, May 03, 2010

I'm TV-less

How can one live without television??? I'm currently finding out. DishNetwork has pissed me off for the last time. I'm done. I am so stubborn that I will go without TV before I will pay $95 to have some technician come out to try to fix my satellite. My satellite went down Friday night during yet more storms and tornadic activity ("tornadic" is currently my favorite word, it makes me sound smart. I don't even know if it's a real word, but I like it). When it still wasn't working on Saturday, I called my friends at DishNetwork to see what I could do about getting it fixed. Well, when it seemed that the at-home diagnostics weren't going to work, the DishNetwork lady (now forever known as the DishNetwork Bitch) said she could send a technician out to the tune of $95 to fix it. When I balked at the idea of paying someone $95 to come out and fix THEIR CRAPPY PRODUCT, do you know what the bitch said to me? She said "well, if you had insurance and went to the doctor's office, you'd still pay a co-pay wouldn't you?". This is when KD got pissed. I didn't even bother to tell her that her comparison was retarded and not even the same. I just informed her that her company was horrible and that I would be taking my business elsewhere and then I abruptly terminated our call. F them.

I'm now researching AT&T UVerse. I'd been thinking about getting it anyway, this has just sped up the time frame. I'll be tv-less until I can find a date that will work for me to have someone come out to set it up (given how busy work is, that may be in 2012.....roughly). I'm excited about UVerse and hope it will be a wonderful partnership.

GFY DishNetwork. GFY.


Blue said...

I had heard too many bad things about Dishnetwork, that is why I went with DirectTV from Comcast. I hope you get tv soon before you find yourself quilting or churning butter by hand.

KD said...

oh man Blue, I hope I don't take up those new hobbies!

I went to bed at 8:30 last night instead......