Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm melting.........

Folks, it's hot up in here. I've been in Chicago for about 24 hours now and I'm fairly certain I've sweated off at least a dress size. And today I am sporting a sexy sunburn....right across my forehead. It's a good look. 
Let's discuss yesterday's Cubs game, shall we? I got there nice and early since that's what ya gotta do when you've got tix in the bleachers. Luckily for me, some of the people I was meeting up with were already there and had saved me a the front row in right center. Love. We were so close to Marlon Byrd in center field that he kept turning around laughing every time we yelled out at him. Awesome guy.

The game itself was not awesome....and was kinda like watching a Little League team play a real team. Bet you can't guess who the Little League team was. Lets just say it was several innings before the Cubs even got a hit. I think the final was 9-1 Phillies, but I only made it to the 7th inning....that's when the heat finally got to me. Eric and I both started feeling lightheaded and nauseated-despite at least five bottles of water and repeated trips to the "misters". I think with the heat index it hit 107 yesterday. I didn't even eat my $1 hot dog. It was too hot to eat. Blah.  I was even too hot to sexually harrass Carlos Pena. Wow.

Despite the heat and hot mess of a baseball game, I still had fun. When we got back to Eric's we ordered some pizza and later took his daughter and her friend out for some shaved ice....and then we watched the fireworks over Navy Pier. Good ending to the day.

Today thus far, I've ventured out for some breakfast and just chillin with the dogs and waiting for Eric to get home from work.  I love not having anything to do. Besides, I need to recover from yesterday-my ass hurts from sitting on those scorching hot bleacher seats, my forehead is sunburnt and I'm nusing the wound to my leg I suffered yesterday.....from the escalator attack. Yes, yours truly managed to injure herself on the escalator at the airport. I'm a mess.

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