Friday, March 04, 2011


The weekend is nearly upon us. I, for one, am happy about this. How bout you?

Let's see what randomness I can thrill you with today. So, on the Cubs front, young Mr Tyler Colvin is getting his first start at 1st base-a position he hasn't played since college. I can't watch the game, but I'm following it online.....Cubs up 1-0 and so far no the bottom of the 2nd. Works for me!

It's Mardi Gras weekend! It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but I'm sure folks will be out in full force at the parade tomorrow. I will not be one of them. I'm too damn old for such nonsense. I do plan, however, to attend a Mardi Gras party at my friend's Judy and Frieda's house. This is the 3rd annual and sure to be as fun as the previous two. That Judy makes a mean hurricane.

Before reveling in Mardi Gras fun, however, I will be hanging with the fam. My parents are coming to town to get their Kendall fix, so some fine family fun is in order. Kendall is excited to see pawpaw, fdfjdlfjdifj (she has a gibberish word for "grandma") and Harry. Who is Harry? That'd be me. Just last weekend she was still calling me "Kewwi" but has now apparently dropped the K and is just going with Harry. Sweet. I'll take it. She can call me whatever she wants. As long as she's calling me something. Speaking of kiddos, my sis  had her 15 week appt yesterday and 2.0 is growing strong! They will find out the gender on March 31, I can't wait to see if I"ll be doting on two nieces, or one of each. Either way, I'm stoked. I'm fairly certain I was born to be an auntie. It's my most favoritest job ever!

If you're Mardi Gras-ing it up this weekend, please be careful! Don't do anything crazy or anything you don't want posted on Facebook.

1 comment:

Jen Estes said...

LMAO @ Harry.

I call one of my aunts that too. Except it's spelled hairy and it's not to her face.

Not quite as adorable, huh?