Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Happy Ash Wednesday, everyone!

Lent officially begins today and I have decided to give up.............saying bad words. Now, you may be saying to yourself "there is no way this sweet and docile girl says bad words" (why are you laughing????). But it's true. Bad words just happen.

Here's why this will be a challenge for me for the next forty days and forty nights. Baseball season will start in the midst of Lent. I'm a Cubs fan. The Cubs make me cuss. See where I'm going with this? A true sacrifice indeed. God help me.


Jen Estes said...

You realize you're handcuffing Cubblogging here, don't you?!?

Word verif: pokeylay. Apparently Blogger isn't participating in your sacrifice.

KD said...

I know Jen! This is seriously going to be a challenge. Perhaps we can find a loophole in the fine print?