Thursday, August 18, 2011

My handsome lil buddy!

Meet Rylan! His hat is on crooked-he's totally gangsta.
I am soooo in love with this little guy. He's opening his eyes more and just trying to figure out who all these people are that keep coming to visit him. He's a sweet boy but was a little cranky last night....prolly cuz he was circumsized earlier in the day. That'd make you cranky too, I'm sure.
Aunt Kerri is going back to the hospital today to see my favorite little man. Hopefully he and mommy will get to go home tomorrow! Uncle Tim is already calling him "Ry Guy" and my dad keeps calling him "Riley". Come on dad, even his two year old sister knows his name! ;)


Blue said...

He is very cute. If he grows up fast like his big sister, he'll be driving in a few They will keep Aunt Kerri on her toes.
I love the name Rylan, reminds of the Steely Dan song, Reeling in the Years....Rylan in the Years.

KD said...

I'd never heard the name Rylan before...but I like it! Kendall doesn't understand why he can't play w/her yet. She wanted him to play in her Dora tent w/her yesterday. :)