Friday, August 05, 2011


Eleven days until my nephew is born! Woot! I can't wait to see his sweet little face!

The weekend is upon us....always a good thing. I am babysitting my wild child niece tomorrow for one last hurrah before the baby craziness. This will be the last time I babysit just one. Whoa. Apparently K informed her parents that Aunt Kerri will be taking her for a bike ride tomorrow. Fair enough. The problem with that is that it's all fun and games until we're a half mile from home and she decides she's tired and wants you to carry her AND the bike. Good times!

My brother is officially moving here on Sunday. YAY! Very excited. My parents will be in town to help him move. Definitely can't wait to see everyone.

I have a bit of an ailment. I'm nearly 100% certain I have GERD. Now, you may be thinking, big deal, everyone get's heartburn. This is true, BUT, I also am having difficult swallowing and feeling like something is stuck in my throat-all symptoms of GERD. This is why I'm having an endoscopy done on the 30th. One pleasant side effect of the throat issues is that I don't feel like eating-it hurts too much. I hope I lose like 30 pounds. That would be awesome.

It's gonna be a rainy, stormy weekend here in the STL. Good napping weather. I'm in.

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