Tuesday, February 08, 2011

My niece is 22 months old today!

I can't believe my favorite little munchkin is almost two! It is super crazy how fast time flies! EXCITING NEWS-she finally said my name on Sunday! Or close enough. Before when you said "Kendall, can you say Kerri?" she'd look at me and say "yea". Well, on Sunday she called me "Kee" and my sister swears she heard "Kelly" at one point. YAYYYYYYY! I'm not gonna lie, it totally made my day, week, month, year. Best birthday present I could ever get. Seriously.

The rapid growth in her speech in just the last 2-3 weeks is amazing-she is regularly saying 2 word sentences and having whole conversations in Kendall-ese (it's hilarious, we have no idea what she's saying, but it sure is funny to listen to her!). She still loves the word "no" (ha! What toddler doesn't?). She's so darn cute...and that's what's gonna save her when the Terrible Two's set in. ;)

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