Wednesday, July 27, 2011



So much random stuff to discuss today. Let's get down to it.

First and foremost, I must announce that my baby brother is moving to St. Louis!!!!!!!! Ok, well, the metro area, but definitely closer than Salem. That means all my siblings will be nearby. KD likey. Timbo got a job with the Warrenton School District, I'm sooooo excited to have him here. And.....he'll be moving just in time for......the birth of our nephew.

Less than THREE weeks until my little nephew arrives via scheduled c-section. Sure, he could come on his own, but the doc doesn't think he will. Even so, three weeks is not a long time! I know my sis is ready (I'm sure it's miserable being 9 months pregnant in the middle of a St. Louis summer. Today's temp? An even 100 degrees. Yuck.). We are also very much ready to meet this little guy. :)  I must say, my heart melted a bit yesterday when my sister informed me that Kendall has been asking for "my Kerri". Um.......LOVE. She's "my" Kendall, so that works out well. LOVE that kid. She will always be my special little buddy.  :)

Let's talk baseball, because you know that's my other favorite subject. I talked to a Brewers fan this morning. I'd spoken to her yesterday, and I think she didn't know I was a Cubs fan....until yesterday. The Cubs just happen to be playing the Brewers right now. We talked some smack yesterday even though I knew full well the Brewers would win....and they did. So, we chatted today and I ranted about Ryan Braun getting not one but TWO broken bat hits. Grrrrr. I also said I wondered if the pinstripes on the Cubs uniforms would make Prince Fielder look slimmer. She laughed at that. We had a good 'ol chat about it. I used to really hate the Brewers. Now I think the only NL Central team I hate is the Reds. They really don't have one likeable player. Sure, Ryan Braun is a mega douchebag, but he's not a hateful a-hole like, say, Joey Votto.

I fully anticipate the Cubs getting swept just in time for.....their weekend series here in St. Louis. Awesome. Still plenty of tickets available folks. Just sayin. I may try to go to Busch this weekend, jury is still out on that.


Jen Estes said...

Joey Votto is a penis. But I love, love, love me some Brandon Phillips and not just because he hates the Cardinals -- he is so cool with the fans. Last time he was in Chicago, he tweeted the hotel bar he was at and for anyone wanted to join him to talk baseball to come on over. Now if we could just get Carlos Pena to do that!

Mr. Jen's birthday is this weekend and he thinks we're going to Busch to watch the Cubs/Cards game but we're really going to....VEGAS! I fully intend to bet our life savings on the Cubs.

KD said...

What a good wifey you are to Mr. Jen! If given the choice, I think I'd rather go to Vegas. I mean, let's face it, we all know what the outcome of this weekend's series will be.

That is cool about Brandon Phillips! And I really think that most of the time he is trying to be funny, it just doesn't come across that way to Cards fans. :)

I hear Carlos Pena isn't even on Twitter, but if he was, I would hope he'd tweet specific instructions for how to get to his house....when his wife isn't home. You know, to uh, play Monopoly. Or something.

r-diddy said...

Monopoly? Is that what we're calling it now?

KD said...

Yes. Yes it is. Meeeeeeow.