Thursday, June 30, 2011

A perfect s**t storm

This day has been one for the record books so far. 

Let's see, so far we've had:

1. Not one, but two, of my regular facilities at work giving me shit about things I have absolutely no control over.

2. The HR lady at my part-time job called to AGAIN reschedule my exit interview. Wants me to come in "sometime next week". Um, no, that is not happening. As I've told you before, I only work every other week, I do not work there next week and I am NOT coming in just for a stupid exit interview. Maybe you should have shown up sometime in the last month for that to be done. I gave you people SIX WEEKS notice for God's sake.........

3. Someone stole my lunch. Seriously and, no, we are not in kindergarten (at least I don't think we are). It's the SECOND TIME IN THE LAST WEEK this has happened so, yes, I'm starting to get pissed off about it. Those frozen dinners are NOT cheap and I don't know about some people, but I don't have the money to just piss away and fund someone else's lunch needs. So now I'm cranky and hungry....and won't be able to eat until I get 9:00 tonight. Fan freakin tastic.

I hate everyone and I need a break. That is all.

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