Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mike Quade named new Cubs manager

How do we feel about this, Cubs fans?

I'm split. I'm happy for him and, based on a small sample size,  he did a marvelous job managing the team after Lou left. The players love him and clearly played well for him. He's a likeable guy and seems to be a pretty smart baseball man.

I'm split because my fear is the heir apparent, Ryne Sandberg (who has noted he is disappointed by the decision), is now going to end up being manager of a rival team and, well, kick the Cubs ass. It could happen.

In thinking more about it, I think I like the fact that they went with an under-the-radar guy. Sure, big names like Lou Piniella and Dusty Baker are fun and all, but there's a lot to be said for the lowkey guy. I read somewhere that a Phillies fan pointed out a few years ago when they needed a new manager, everyone wanted a big name replacement and they went with little known Charlie Manuel. What has Charlie done? Only made the Phillies the best team in the NL for the last 3-4 years. That's all. So........who's to say that can't happen in Chicago?

This sucker of a Cubs fan still has hope.


Jen Estes said...

I honestly didn't have a definite pick. But although I really hoped Quade would get serious consideration (he earned it), deep down I think I wanted Ryno. Even though it would probably end badly with him getting booed out of town, I wanted him for my old selfish reasons. But this is okay and I tend to agree about the lower profile dude theory. The last thing anyone on the Cubs needs is MORE expectations.

KD said...

not to mention that Quade is probably significantly cheaper than Ryno would be.

I'm with you on the selfish front....still dreaming of a coaching combo of Ryno as manager, Gracie as 1st base coach, Dawson as hitting coach.......