Monday, February 18, 2008

Go see Avenue Q!

If this musical is coming to a city near you, I recommend seeing it. That is, as long as you are not easily all fairness, no one is safe, they make fun of pretty much everything. See their web site for full details. Let me just say, Mike and I laughed a LOT (shocker, I know). I mean, how can you not like a play with puppets? It is definitely as it claims, "for mature audiences only", I ain't gonna lie, I saw puppets having sex. That part was a bit disturbing....... :)

I think someone (me) has a case of the Monday's......either that or me and Mikey's stroll in the rain Saturday night (we parked far away so as to avoid paying $10 to park) has taken it's toll. I'm hoping it's just a case of the Monday's and it will go away....

So, we had this weird freak snow storm that lasted for about five minutes this morning. It was coming down so hard you couldn't even see anything outside. Then it stopped and it is now sunny. Weird. Hey DT-I made the one picture you sent me from the ski lift the background on my computer-very cool picture! :)

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